Bailey Ard's Blog of Wonder

I love to read books about romance and especially about fictional characters who are like me. Dystopian books are also some of my favorites. My favorite authors include Ellen Hopkins, Veronica Rossi, Molly McAdams, and Stephenie Meyer. I also love the ocean and chilling with friends whenever I have the time.

Into the Still Blue

Holy crap guys the last book of the trilogy is so amazingly fantastic!  It's so intense and near the end it gets a little sad too, but so much emotion has coursed through me while reading this book!  So the plot in this book is to mainly get the Tides to the Still Blue.  Along the way they of course go through hardships.  There is unfortunately quite a bit of bloodshed in this one.  Um Sable takes over and uses his powers to his advantage.  Man that guy is just pure evil.  I honestly do not like him.  Now our main characters Perry and Aria are doing well.  They had a few arguments but nothing completely major.  Also the Aether is getting worse.  Storms are happening every day now and so the Tides are living in this cave.  I don't really know why I love this trilogy so much.  I think it's because of Aria and Perry's relationship.  They help me to remember that love can conquer a lot of things and it helps me remember that even though there may be hardships, you should never give up trying.  Under the Never Sky has become my most favorite series I have read.  I have learned about the struggles of being a leader, how to make difficult choices, how to sacrifice for the benefit of others, and to never give up.  I have learned that love can go a long way and can help make others stronger.  I never would have guessed this series to be inspiring, but it definitely has inspired me.  I truly recommend people to read it because who knows, maybe you'll feel the same way.  All together, this series is the best series I've read and I give a big thumbs up to Veronica Rossi for writing and creating such a different and unique world for me to escape in.