So I just got done reading From Ashes by Molly McAdams for the third time and man this book is just filled with so many different emotions. Every single time I read it, I get the same feelings. From Ashes is about a girl named Cassi who grew up in California being beaten by her mother and step dad, and the second she turns 18, her best friend Tyler packs up her stuff, chews out her mom, and takes her to Texas with him to live with his cousin, Gage. The instant Cassi sees Gage, she starts to go crazy over him. He's god-like and super attractive with his southern drawl and deep green eyes. Little does she know that Gage falls for her instantly too. The second he sees her get out of Tyler's jeep, he knew he had to be with her. She was gorgeous with long brown hair and whiskey colored eyes. The bad part is that Tyler loves Cassi too and is determined to be with her regardless of the cost. Throughout the book, Gage and Cassi struggle to tell each other their feelings for each other, Tyler struggles with the fact that Cassi loves Gage, Cassi struggles with her past demons, and they all have to find a way to work it out. Honestly, this is by far my most favorite love story ever. My heart still races when I read this book. In fact, I'm reading it again. I definitely think y'all should check out this book because it's an amazing book and their symbol (the phoenix) is truly inspiring. After the first time I read this book I decided I was going to get a phoenix tattoo because of the meaning behind the bird itself and in the book. Thank you Mrs. McAdams for writing such a fantasic read!