Bailey Ard's Blog of Wonder

I love to read books about romance and especially about fictional characters who are like me. Dystopian books are also some of my favorites. My favorite authors include Ellen Hopkins, Veronica Rossi, Molly McAdams, and Stephenie Meyer. I also love the ocean and chilling with friends whenever I have the time.


In this blog I will be typing about a book that I have currently been reading called Enshadowed by Kelly Creagh.  This is actually the second book of the Nevermore series.  Basically the story is based in modern times with a little bit of a twist.  Isobel Lanley has fallen for Varen Nethers who is a boy stuck in an Edgar Allen Poe sort of world.  In all honesty, I have no idea how to explain that part without spoiling the whole story.  Let's just say Varen gets kind of sucked back into time, and now Isobel can see Varen's sort of world.  Anywho, this series is actually really well thought out.  I love the EAP twist in it.  Some of the characters you can actually picture what they would look like in real life.  I actually tried to draw one of them once.  It didn't turn out all that beautiful though.  I honestly would only recommend this book to people who are interested in Edgar Allen Poe because the story is kind of dark.  Also it's kind of a romance too considering Varen and Isobel repeatedly have to save each other from certain things.  If I could compare it to another book series, it would sort of be like the Mortal Instruments or Fallen series.  There's action, love, and darkness in pretty much all three of these series.  Although I recommend reading the Fallen series by Lauren Kate because they are AMAZING!  To wrap it up, check out any of these series because they are seriously all awesome.